The Power of One...

In 2019 I was asked to speak at the annual fundraiser for Fountain of Life Africa by a longtime friend who has recently stepped into the role of philanthropist. The FOLA organization has been around for over 10 years but his role and passion was new so I wanted to help him find success.

As I began to research the non profit I was touched by the vision and mission which is to build schools, clinics and fresh water wells for communities in rural Zambia. I was also inspired by the founders, one of which is a Zulu princess who contracted Aids as a young girl. Her courage to share her story to protect other woman was a powerful example of what Bob Shamrock taught us young men, that everyone has value and a purpose in life.

I prayed deeply to find the words to share on stage for this fundraiser, wanting so badly to achieve the goals set forth by the team; build a well, open a school and medical clinic.

When I began to write the lessons came pouring out, speak with your heart, help others and follow your passions. The speech was titled the Power of One and I could feel the energy of those words moving our donors to action.

While I wrote this speech for FOLA 2019, they will be words that I continue to share time and again because its truly the power of one that changes the world. I am grateful that my words move others to action.

What a blessing and gift. Thank you to everyone who listened and took action.

Warmest regards,

Frank Shamrock

Executive Director/Mentor
