May is Mental Health Awareness Month


Shamrock Way Inc. + YOU


Mental Health Awareness Campaign - #stigmasmashers 


1 in 4 people will be affected by mental health issues during their lifetime and now with Covid-19, that number will dramatically increase worldwide. In the U.S. nearly 1 in 5 adults are currently living with a mental illness.

HOW can you help? - Social Media Posting/Sharing

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and we support awareness through our social media campaigns. 

YOU can help everyone by posting and sharing our film on mental health, “BiPolar Rock N Roller”. 

The film follows the meteoric rise of Mauro Ranallo, a voice artist and sports broadcaster who lives with bipolar disorder, serious mental illness. This film offers proven solutions to support others living with these health issues. Sharing the film continues to smash the stigma surrounding mental illness. The film has changed thousands of lives by educating and engaging communities in an open discussion about how to support mental health and care for those who suffer. 

Mental Health Social Campaign Info: 

  • Social Handles to use: @shamrockway @namicommunicate @fountainhouse 

  • Hashtags to use: #shamrockway #mentalhealthmonth #bipolarrocknroller #mauroranallo #mentalhealthmatters #stigmasmashers 

  • OR tell your own story about mental health and use the information provided to help others. 

More Info you can share: 

Ways to find help: - Get involved - support or donate. 

Crisis Text Line – Text NAMI to 741-741 - Connect with a trained crisis counselor to receive free, 24/7 crisis support via text message. - The leader in Mental Health Community programs 

Sample Text to Share:

“I support #mentalhealthmonth and want everyone to watch and share #bipolarrocknroller from @shamrockway”

“Together we can smash the stigma surrounding mental health. Please watch and share from @shamrockway, this film is saving lives. If you need help right now, Text “NAMI” to 741-741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor.”

“It's OK to talk about mental health and helps others to know that they are not alone. That is why I am joining @shamrockway in sharing #bipolarrocknroller film about #mauroranallo. #mentalhealthmatters and we can all help smash the stigma surrounding mental illness. Watch and share this movie to save lives